Experience thenext generationsmart and selectivefishing technology

Our story
It all began in 2014 with the idea that smaller species in the ocean such as Krill, and other zooplankton or mesopelagic species, could be attracted to light before being pumped whole and alive onboard a vessel.

The submerged unit of our ground breaking ocean technology is called the HARVISHER®. It is the key to facilitating the possibilities of harvesting from the ocean in a balanced manner.

Our vision
With HARVISH® we envision the establishment of new fisheries in the North, realising untapped or underutilised local marine resources.

Norwegian Innovation Technology Group AS (NITG) was founded November 2014 to develop several ideas within the ocean technology space. HARVISH® ocean technology and associated patents/trademarks is one of their projects. NITG continues to lead and fund the further development of HARVISH® ocean technology.

NITG came into contact with Z-Marine AS (organisation number 993 587 613 in 2017, and they have since been the lead producers of HARVISH® ocean technology. They are a vital member of the HARVISH® team and contribute with their workshop, service team and extensive knowledge and experience of production of deck machinery for all kinds of vessels. Read more about them on their website.

Plougmann Vingtoft (PV) is one of the top Danish and Scandinavian consultancy firms when it comes to strategic consulting, managing, protecting and commercialising intellectual property rights (IPR). They have been a part of the HARVISH® team since the beginning and offer expert advice on how to strategize, manage, protect and commercialise NITG's IPR. Click here to learn more about the partnership and read more about PV on their website.

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) is an Icelandic government institute under the Icelandic Ministry of Industries and Innovation. It conducts various marine and freshwater research, providing the Icelandic Ministry with scientific based advice. They are highly regarded in the scientific community and therefore a valuable research partner to the HARVISH® team. The MFRI have overseen all the testing that has been carried out in Icelandic waters, from early prototype testing in 2015 & 2016 to the expeditions of 2018, where they measured bycatch, identified the species caught and ensured that the expeditions were carried out in the line with the given research permits. Read more about them on their website.

The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Norway is one of the largest research institutes in Europe. They are affiliated with the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and their main activities consist of research, advisory work and the monitoring of our oceans. NITG reached out to the IMR after reading their publication of the scientific paper detailing the work carried out by Bjørn Krafft and Ludvig Krag on the positive behavioural responses of Krill to LED lighting. The interest in how Krill are attracted to light is mutual! Together we aim to gather scientific data, third party verifiable, on the performance of HARVISH® in order to optimise HARVISH® for targeting krill with minimal ecosystem impact (minimal bycatch if unwanted species) in order to aid NITG in the commercialisation ofHARVISH®.

Innovation Norway
It is the mission of Innovation Norway to support Norwegian companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation. Innovation Norway has supported NITG in the development of HARVISH® by providing grant-funding for the construction of HARVISHER® II and to carry out sea trials on Calanus outside of Frøya, Norway. Read more about their mission here

The Research Council of Norway
The Research Council promotes competitiveness and growth in Norwegian trade and industry by providing financial support and advice for research and innovation projects. NITG has for the years 2018-2021 received financial support in the form of SkatteFUNN and PES2020, support for the establishment of project proposals directed towards Horizon 2020.
Norwegian Innovation Technology Group AS (NITG) was founded November 2014 to develop several ideas within the ocean technology space. HARVISH® ocean technology and associated patents/trademarks is one of their projects. NITG continues to lead and fund the further development of HARVISH® ocean technology.